
Welcome to The Hangry Toad!  My name is Suzy Kambic and I am thrilled you’re here!  Yep, that’s me holding the toad.  In this picture I am just shy of 7 years old and the innocence, curiosity, and joy it captures struck me as the perfect way to introduce myself to all of you.

I am excited to share my many passions with you, some of which include food, helping people, solving problems, and all of which include connection.  One of my favorite African Proverbs is, “If you want to go fast, go alone.  If you want to go far, go together.”.  I hope you join me on this journey of exploration, growth, all surrounded by the things I love.  Let’s go far, together!  


Photo Credit: Madaline Roviaro (AKA mom)